Pet Health Home Menu
Cherokee Animal Clinic
P O Box 416
665 Johnson Street
Rusk, TX 75785
Clinic Hours:
Monday - Friday 7:30 am - 5:30 pm

Boarding at the Holcomb Hilton

Nothing can replace the warmth, comfort and familiarity of a pet's home. But while your pet is in our care, we will do our best to ensure a comfortable and healthy stay with us. You can see our kennels and more information on the Main Boarding Page.

Our normal routine provides a morning meal, twice daily walks outside and an afternoon snack. Of course, fresh water is always available. Bedding is changed daily, or more often if needed. Runs and cages are stripped and completely cleaned at least once daily. On stays longer than 3 days, your pet receives a complimentary bath before going home.

We will be happy to adjust our basic routine to the specific dietary and health needs of your pet. Of course, if any problem arises, Dr. Holcomb or Dr. Prachyl will attend to your pet's medical needs.

In order to provide this level of care for your pet, we do need your help. If you would please......
· Understand, for health and safety of our staff and other boarders, current vaccinations for rabies and kennel cough are a must.
· Write down any special instructions for diet or medication so we can place the instructions on your pet's boarding record.
· For your pet to be bathed and dry when you arrive, give us your best estimate of the date and time of your return.
· Provide emergency contact information
· Let us provide the bedding so we can give your pet a fresh, clean bed dailty.
· If you like, bring 1-2 toys for entertainment but your pet will have plenty to see, hear and smell while staying with us.
· Be understanding of our discharge hours because our staff needs to schedule care for our boarders.
· Let us know how we did.

Have a safe and enjoyable trip. We'll see you on your return.....or as they say around here........Happy tails to you, until we meet again.

Make Your Reservations.......

Emergency Contact Number:
Arrival Date:
Time of Departure (When will your animal be picked up?):
Feeding Instructions & other needs:

Items Brought:

In the event of an emergency, I hereby authorize Dr. Anthony J. Holcomb or his veterinarian associate and the staff of Cherokee Animal Clinic to treat the patient(s) named above as needed. I understand I am financially responsible for any medical bills incurred in the event of an emergency.

By typing my name in the box constitutes a valid electronic signature and with the submission of this form shall act as my legal signature.

Signature: Date:

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*Type the text you see in the image above.

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